Friday, December 18, 2009

July 1 - 20, 1964

July 1 - Wednesday

Ate lunch with Maribel, Tonichi and Cha-Cha Tuason at Alba’s. Went to bed early, did not feel well.

July 2 - Thursday

“Gigi” postponed indefinitely. The typhoon really wrecked everything! Pilar Franco left for Spain. Joey brought me home from Mass. He and Jose Mari are just the best or have I said that before?

July 3 - Friday

“Gigi” resumes. Joey brought Mercy, Maribel and I home from Mass.

July 4 - Saturday

Went to the beauty parlor then Mass with Mercy and Maribel. Joey took us home. Went to the ANC for a minute. Talked to Bruce Esterline, Gail and Marie. MTG this evening. Mercy, Maribel, Joey and Dita went to see the play.

July 5 - Sunday

Went to Mass with Mercy and Maribel and we had lunch at Maribel’s house. Then later, all of us including Monica, Joey, Noel and Jose Mari went to the airport, races and Wack-Wack. MTG in the evening.

July 7 - Tuesday

Cast party for “Gigi.” Stayed till 4 AM. Earlier had lunch with Maribel and there was a party at Schlachterman house for Nadia. She leaves for Hong Kong tomorrow.

July 8 - Wednesday

Joey brought me home from Mass as usual but he was pensive and quiet and that was unusual for him.

July 9 - Thursday

I think the nicest thing about Joe Vincent is Joey. (I actually wrote this and remember thinking it. Then and even now.) I had merienda at Mercy’s house with Maribel.

July 10 - Friday

Lilliana’s party. Date with Cliff. Very pleasant evening. We went there and also to Sulo and Shangrila.

July 11 - Saturday - My Nana Laura’s Birthday

I sent a telegram to my Nana. Mercy’s house this afternoon. Lita and Conchita were there too as well as George and Mitch. Those 2 and Honey are just yummy!

July 12 - Sunday

Mass with Mercy. She and I had lunch at home and later we spent a little time with Honey and George. Mercy, Dita, Maribel and I went to Monica’s house - then to Polo, Dita’s house, then Supermart where we met Diego and Inaki, etc. Finished day at Mercy’s house.

July 13 - Monday

Cliff called up the house to have something translated. Joey and Jose Mari brought Maribel and I home from Mass. Joey said he saw us yesterday. Movie “What A Way To Go” with Mom.

July 14 - Tuesday

Mass with Maribel. J. and JM brought me home. Met Michael Lee this afternoon. (???)
Inaki and Maribel brought me home.

July 15 - Wednesday

Invited Joey and Jose Mari for dinner tomorrow night. Received a card from Cliff. I called up the rest of the gang.

July 16 - Thursday - my 20th!

Received present from office staff. Went shopping this afternoon and bought a pair of shoes and unmentionables. Cliff called for a date on Saturday but declined because I’m off to Nasucbu. Came home this afternoon and found that Joey and Jose Mari sent me a dozen long-stemmed red roses with a card that said “ tus primos..” !!! I also got a cake from Maribel. Everyone I invited came this evening and everything turned out well. Honey and Joey are darling.

July 17 - Friday

Barry Goldwater won GOP nomination. Joey and Jose Mari gave me a birthday card. Went to see Maribel off with Joey. I am beginning to like him too much.

July 18 - Saturday

Mercy, Dita and I went to Supermart. Stayed in Mercy’s house this afternoon.

July 19 - Sunday

Gathering at Monica’s house. Movie with Mercy and Dita. Dita likes Joey. (Who didn’t??!!!)

July 20 - Monday

Joey told me today that Joe returns on the 29th. Big deal. Small gathering at his house tomorrow. Mercy sick today.