Thursday, December 24, 2009

Septemer 26 - October 26, 1964

(I am posting these entries on Christmas Eve 2009.  To my friends who may read this - here's wishing you all a Merry Christmas!!!! May that bright Star of Bethlehem shine brightly on you tonight and throughout 2010.)

September 26 - Saturday

Went to beauty parlor and stayed home. Later went to the movies with Mom and Mercy - we saw “The Pink Panther.” It was a riot. Peter Sellers made me laugh so much I cried. We had a snack at Tasa de Oro.

September 27 - Sunday

Went to Mass with Mom and Mercy. Saw Joey. Ate lunch at Alba’s. Spent rest of the day at Mercy’s house - Honey and George were there. I miss Joe.

September 28 - Monday

Am not feeling well again. Went to see Dr. Ocampo. Met George’s mother there.

September 29 - Tuesday

Maribel told Mercy that Joey is dating Dita again. Nothing surprises me any more. Rained buckets this noon. Ate lunch with Dad at Swiss Inn. Did not go back to the office this afternoon. I still don’t know whether to go tomorrow or not. (Cliff at Polo Club).

September 30 - Wednesday

Ate lunch at Mercy’s house. Could not make a dinner date with Cliff at the Polo Club tonight. Am so sorry. Wish I had gone. Cliff is so nice. I bought a new dress.

October 1 - Thursday

I guess I am prompting after all for the new play - “The Silver Whistle” - I have the script. The work is really piling up at the office.

October 3 - Saturday

Small dinner at Mercy’s house. I didn’t have that great a time but I guess its no one’s fault except mine. Jigger was there for a while. Hasn’t changed and is very nice.

October 4 - Sunday

I hate to admit it but that Joe has really gotten under my skin. Saw Joey at Mass. Went to the office a while. Went horseback riding with Joe and Boo at Joe’s house in Forbes. I had a very nice time.

October 5 - Monday

Nothing special today but thinking very much of Joe.

October 6 - Tuesday

Saw Cliff in the afternoon. Dammit that Joe is still n my mind.

October 7 - Wednesday

Called Jose Mari about MTG rehearsal this evening. Maribel had lunch with me.

October 8 - Thursday

Someone called last night but didn’t leave his name. Maid said it sounded like Joe. Que ilusiones. Ate lunch at Mercy’s home this noon. I’m still wondering who called last night.

October 10 - Saturday

There was supposed to be a party at the Schlachtermans but it got canceled. Stayed home this evening.

October 11 - Sunday

Mass with Dita and Mercy. Stayed at Mercy’s house for a while. George and Honey brought me home.

October 12 - Monday

Called Cliff to say goodby. He’s so sweet.

October 13 - Tuesday

Went shopping with Mom at the Escolta.

October 16 - Friday

Ate lunch with Lita and Mercy at Cucina Italiana.

October 17 - Saturday

Movies with Mom and Mercy - “Love Cage.”

October 18 - Sunday

Spent afternoon at Mercy’s house. Monica was there as was Honey.

October 19 - Monday

Went to the movies with Lita, Tita Chat and Mercy - “The Visit” - terrific movie!

October 22 - Thursday

George’s stepfather died today. Went to pay respects this afternoon. Mass tomorrow. Went to see G.C. at hospital. (No idea who "G.C." was.)

October 23 - Friday

Mass for George’s father.

October 24 - Saturday - Mom’s birthday

Went to Yan’s house this evening with Lita, Mercy and Honey. Had a fairly pleasant evening. Honey can always make me go soft around the edges.

October 25 - Sunday

Took Emil to the movies. Went to Mercy’s house later. Chatted with Honey. Dinner at home with la familia - Delicious turkey dinner cooked by Dad.

October 26 - Monday

Dinner at Tita Trining’s house. Chatted the whole night with Mon Legarda.