Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy Three Kings!

HAPPY THREE KINGS or Feliz Dia de los Reyes - everyone!

Still getting connected with old friends like Danny Hernandez, Laura Peragallo, Elisa Llamoglia, Ernie Racz (son), Sue Karavolas, Miren Berenguer, etc.

And best of all, my wonderful cousin Carlos in Madrid came through and I did get my old love's just published book from Spain como regalo para los Reyes.  I've already started to read it and I see that my Spanish needs updating because there are words therein I never heard before, or to put it another way, I should be reading more Spanish and keep my Spanish/English dictionary handy.  It's a good way to brush up on my Spanish but to think that for nine years I only read, thought and wrote in Spanish!  Talk about verguenza! 

I know I am weather obsessive but consider the title of this blog and you'll get why I am miserable when I hear the weather is getting even colder and that it might snow tomorrow.  Aaaarrrgghhhh.

So were the Three Kings, Santa, the Blue Smurfs (or whatever you believe in) good to you this holiday season?  I'm not the book, good wine, cava, prosecco, a cashmere sweater, a year's subscription to Netflix among other things.  More importantly, I spent time with my daughter and granddaughter and I've "discovered" my old gang in Manila all over again.  So life is good.

More tomorrow....