Jan 3 - Tuesday
First day of school and I skipped class. Brought all things home from Tita Mariane’s house. Went to the ANC this morning and spent whole morning with Inger. Arno was also there and he introduced me to Kenneth Brimo. We shook hands. Ate lunch with Arno and Kenneth. Talked a lot to Inger about Butch, etc. This afternoon I went to the movies with Mom - "Tarzan" Boots and Snooky Taylor were there. They smiled at me. After the movie Mom and I went to the ANC. Saw Teddy Randazzo(?) - is cute but doesn’t "get me." Talked with Mercy a lot over the phone. She says that Honey really likes me only other people influence him. Tito Ole, Tita Estella and Victor visited Dad at the hospital this evening. Victor is so very nice but wait til he’s 16! Went to Bing with Mom, Margie, etc.
Jan. 4 - Wednesday (I find I don’t like ME very much)
Sister Eustasia did not excuse my absence probably thought I was lying. I was so angry. Margotin gave me the Falcons’ insignia which Danny gave her. She had the intention of burning it. I went to Tita Mariane’s home to get my ????? this aft. Test in History was not exactly great. I just hope I passed that’s all! Called Mercy and Margie this evening but they went to the movies. Marina called me up and said that Nacho is inviting us to go sailing (again) on Saturday. Funny, I’m not even excited about it? But not until I’m on the heat/heart? am I going to say anything more about it. I’m trying hard to improve my character but I’m not very successful, YET!