Saturday, December 5, 2009

September 7 - 8, 1962

September 7 - Friday

Mercy and I had a friendly little chat with Sister Andrea this morning. This afternoon, Arlette picked us up and we went to see the St. Scholastica play. Tony was there, teasing me as always. Later, we went to Margie’s house so Mercy could try on her dress for tomorrow. It’s a lovely dress and Mercy’s going to look like a dream. Wait till Tony sees her. He’ll forget Betina exists. It was Ana Marie’s birthday today. I feel very low tonight.

September 8 - Saturday

I’ll skip the unnecessary details like lunch at Mercy’s house and later the beauty parlor, etc. and go straight to this evening’s party: Tito Ramon, Tita Lol and Mercy picked my mom and me up and we finally got to the Lebrun residence at around 9 pm. There were already guests there and Mercy was scared stiff to go down and meet and greet them. She looked so lovely tonight - just like a dish of ice cream. (It’s funny I don’t mention the fact the dress I wore to Mercy’s debut was given to me by Tita Carmen Marti. It was Nena’s but never worn. It was a lovely white chiffon dress with hand-painted blue flowers on it and I remember it clearly. It was a truly pretty dress, but I guess I was too embarrassed then to even admit in my diary that I had to use a dress that wasn’t really mine. I’ll never forget Tita Carmen Marti’s generosity but maybe there was an underlying feeling of being pitied or patronized that I couldn’t or wouldn’t admit to myself. ) Everyone we expected to come did and some unexpected people too. The house was lovely and all the grown-ups were in a very gay mood. I had a simply wonderful time. I danced so much I felt my feet were going to fall off. All the girls looked pretty and the boys looked so handsome in their coat and ties or barongs. Carlos came with Ginny Brooks. I won’t pretend I wasn’t disappointed but I just resigned myself and ignored them the whole evening. Not even looking at Carlos took a lot of my will power but I did it! I just beamed at everyone else. I danced with Mitch and two times towards the end of the party I saw him come towards me to ask me to dance but someone else beat him to it. I got into a small fight with Louie Mac because he insisted on holding me too tight (I remember this moment distinctly too!) I almost left him standing by himself on the dance floor. I don’t care what he thinks, he’s such a jerk. Tony is an old tease. He doesn’t usually look that great in a coat and tie but tonight he looked very dashing. He danced with me and what a smooth dancer he is. Another guy who looked even more dashing and tall and handsome tonight was Honey. The best looking guy there, I’d say! Titos Ayesa is quite good looking but a little shy for my taste. (I guess I always liked “the bad boys” best!) Eddie danced with me and was telling me something about Monica...well, I could go on forever. Anyway, it was a very lovely evening and I enjoyed every minute of it. Mercy was happy and I guess that makes me gladdest. I keep seeing Carlos’s face in my thoughts and that little glow goes through me. Tony is really yummy and Mitch is the sweetest - I love the way he orders me around!

Unfortunately, my diary ends here. It ends because I had overwritten in my actual diary and the entries from the end of July till this date were written in a small spiral notebook. I know I continued on another notebook, but through the years, with all my travels and moves, it was lost. I burned my 1960 diary in the backyard of my home on San Marcelino Street with great vengeance and ceremony. I sorely regret this now, but then, I was a tempestuous 16-year old -- angry with Cosme and Margie and hence, the diary burning. I also cannot locate my diary of 1963 but considering my many moves through three continents, I’m amazed I didn’t lose the ones I do have. 

That year (1963) marked a lot of milestones in my life. That year, we moved from San Marcelino Street in Malate to Indiana Street in Ermita. I did not continue college, but after two years went to work for an advertising company called “Production Associates” owned by the Ernesto Ramos family. The job also gave me some independence and allowed me to help ease the financial burden on my parents. Nena Marti got married to Manda Elizalde in the Wedding of the Year, which I was to attend with Nacho Marti and, at the end, didn’t, because of a true “wardrobe malfunction.” I finally slipped out of the annoying adolescent thinking mode into a more “adult” (though not really mature) frame of mind. I had the small crack in my front tooth capped which I’m sure gave me a new sense of self confidence. Our then hero, President Kennedy, was assassinated - an event that shook our innocent, idealistic minds to the core. And, I finally was allowed to go on "real" dates and met the tall, good looking young man who would give me my first real kiss. Also, in September 1963, I met the man who I would eventually marry, though not until 1965. I do not know when I finally quit my “addiction” to Carlos Garcia but maybe it was when I finally was allowed to date and realized how silly and futile my 2 year obsession was.

Now, lastly, I will share my 1964 diary with you, which I wrote in a vastly condensed form - with almost no explicit detail, as opposed to the way I wrote these past diaries, which may be a relief to those who have read the 1961 and 1962 years.


I have shared these little diaries with my close friends, who are featured here, only to bring back a little slice of our lives in Manila in the early 60s. I have been in turn - silly, corny, crazy, sentimental, stupid, naive, and yes, boring. But, truthful to what my entries and feelings were those many years ago. If any of you have your own memories of any of the events I relate here and want to add to, correct, or criticize, please feel free to do so. I can’t wait!

Please remember that all I wrote herein, I never expected anyone else to read. They are the thoughts of a convent-bred teenager, raised in the junction of a society and culture formed by Asia, Spain and the United States - that in itself - was unique.

Hopefully, you all can re-live the memories of the irony, humor, disasters and joy we all shared in our adolescent years in a Manila we loved.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

August 29 - September 6, 1962

August 29 - Wednesday

What a miserable day. Tita Lol and Mommy got the letters from Sister Andrea telling them about Mercy and I being absent 3 times from Typing class and the way my mother reacted you’d think I had gone and eloped. As if she never played hooky in her life. She thinks we skipped classes to go to the ANC but we didn’t. We just stayed here at home or at Mercy’s house. Anyway, she probably won’t let me go to Yan’s party on Saturday because Tita Lol won’t let Mercy go. Not letting me go to the ANC is bad enough but at least on weekends let me breath! (What a spoiled brat I was!)

August 30 - Thursday

Nothing worth writing about happened today. I talked with Mercy hours over the phone and also with Linda H. I listened to records all afternoon. Had dinner by myself and am now in bed at quarter to 10. Mercy does nothing but talk about Tony and all I can think of is Carlos...we are hopeless...

August 31 - Friday

Same old routine in school. At least , Monday, Wednesday and Friday are better than Tuesday and Thursday and Saturday with that awful Mr. Lane. Mr. Cruz (not so bad but ugh, Steno) and the subject I really honestly can’t stand - Accounting!

September 1 - Saturday

What a nice day. This evening we had the party for Yan at their lovely new home in Urdaneta Village. Mercy and I got the surprise of our lives when Tony and Freddie arrived. It was a very nice evening mainly because of George, Mari, Mitch and Tony. Tony and Freddie sat with Mercy and I the whole evening. Freddie kept teasing us but you simply cannot get mad at him because they are so charming. Mari was clowning around as usual and he and George just sent us into hysterics. Tony seems to be getting more interested in Mercy but Betina is still in the picture. I danced 3 boogies and one slow with him. I danced 4 times with Mari and several times with Mitch, Butch, Yan, Rafa, Pichuco and Javi. Mari interrupted my dance with George again and it seems I’ll never get to finish a dance with him. George brought Mercy, Honey and I home. I kept wishing that Carlos had been there.

September 2 - Sunday

Mom, Mercy and I went to Mass at San Pancracio at 11. Then we changed into pants and went to the ANC. The usual people were there. We ate lunch there and then Jan, Mercy and I went to the Rizal to see “Experiment in Terror” with Glen Ford and Lee Remick. Luz and Luli went with Rafa and Nacho. When Mercy and I came out to go to the Ladies Room, I saw Carlos by the doors and I melted all the way again. Later he drove up in his car to pick up Tita Marina. I told Eddie and Freddie to go to Arlette’s house. Mercy and I, George, Honey, Mitch, Arno, Lita, Luli and Jan arrived half an hour later and 15 minutes after that, Juaco, Carlos, Eddie, Freddie, and Lita Paraiso walk through the door. I can’t deny I like Carlos to distraction but neither can I deny that he doesn’t give a hoot about me. (I was such a masochist but weren’t or aren’t all teenage girls?!) Anyway, Carlos gave me one of his I-know-you’re-nuts-about-me looks and I just felt like leaving the room. Arno was acting a bit strange and Eddie and I talked about Monica and threw pillows at each other.

September 3 - Monday

Oh what a day. There’s a blooming typhoon coming and that’s all we need for Mercy’s party on Saturday. And Sister Andrea has the hardest head! We were late for Spanish class because Father Trent and Mother Socorro were talking to Mercy, Betsy and I but she and Miss Zacarias wouldn’t hear our excuse. This evening Eddie called up and we talked a long time about Monica. He wants to see her tomorrow and its all so mixed up. I so enjoy talking to him. Luli called up asking me about the Teucher’s broken phone too and Mercy called up as well. I’ve been memorizing “The Unknown Soldier Speaks” for Dramatics class tomorrow and I’ve gotten it down pretty well. I am also brushing up on my Steno because I’m a little apprehensive about the test tomorrow. Oh, I hope Tony and Mercy hook up - what a perfect couple! I want to talk to Daddy about school but with these Asian Games going on, I hardly see him. Mom, as usual, was harping at me again today. I wonder what I’m going to wear for Mercy’s party. It’s four days from now and I have nothing to wear - really. And, its raining buckets!

September 4 - Tuesday

I had lunch at Mercy’s house. Mr. Lane gave us our exam in Dramatics and was I glad I memorized the “The Unknown Soldier...” Mr. Cruz was in the best of spirits this morning. I can’t stand Sister Felix and her darned Accounting class. I wonder what I’ll put down on my paper for Theology tomorrow and there’s that awful P.E. Monica, Mercy and Arlette called me tonight. Monica was all excited because she had a charming little chat with Carlos this afternoon leaving Eddie (poor guy) pretty much baffled. Arlette complained about not knowing who to like or fall for??? And Mercy is all wrapped up with Tony. I spoke to Mitch this afternoon at the ANC. The maid said Eddie called up home at around 6. A typhoon signal is up but no air-condition since the unit is broken in Mom’s room and it is so hot!!

September 5 - Wednesday

Exam in Theology a sweat and exam in Spanish a whizz through. Mercy and I almost got stranded in school because of the rain this noon. We had lunch at Mercy’s house. Since the streets were flooded we had to stay there. I carried and played with Marilu (Pocholo’s baby) who is the most sociable little baby. Honey looked specially handsome this afternoon and he was in a lovely mood, too. Later, while we were in Honey’s room typing, Mitch and George came to pick him up. Those guys are super and so much fun to be with. They went out in Mitch’s car and later Honey and George came back. George kept teasing and fooling around. I started to type Mitch’s name on the typewriter and Carlos’s too. Then Mitch and George came back and I hurriedly tried to close the typewriter but Mercy made matters worse by asking me why I was in such a hurry and Mitch walked right behind me and after prodding by Emil saw that I had typed his name and Mercy said his face changed. (Another moment in time that I remember distinctly - this typewriter episode with Mitch at Mercy’s house.) George later started teasing Mercy and I. Later on, Mercy, Honey and I had a chat. As I’ve said a million times before, Honey’s the guy I respect the most. I like everything about him and the girl that he marries will get a gold mine! (Ah, Lynnie, who knew, huh?) If Mercy should move away from here I’d lose the best friend I have. I really love that girl. (Ah, Mercy, who knew I’d be the one moving away - from San Marcelino to Indiana Street and then later away from Manila altogether. I still love this girl.) She’s a headache at times but still my very best friend.

September 6 - Thursday

I had lunch at Mercy’s again. I love eating there. I like Tito Ramon, Tita Lol, Tito Eugenio, Pocholo, Carmen (no comment), Honey, Mercy and Emil. (I guess I crossed out poor Chicky and Albert in my mind then.) Mercy’s party is going to be in the Club Filipino. Mom made me go home at 2 pm. I went to Arlette and Monica’s house and Eddie, Juaco, Freddie, Butch and Mari were there. We sat and talked. Mari and Butch gave a hilarious imitation of a girl and boy at a movie. They later left and the rest of us played “One, Two, Three - Pass” Juaco likes Arlette next to Barbara. Eddie likes Monica and vice-versa. And Freddie is still hopelessly in love with Arlette. Eddie is such a nice guy - serious yet so funny at the same time. Monica confuses him a lot. Anyway, my mother got all riled up because we were at the house with the boys and what will people think - here perennial cry. But at least Arlette and Monica can talk to Tita Marianne about boys, and Mercy to Tita Lol and Margie to Tita Pacita. But me? Forget it!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

August 21 - 28, 1962

August 21 - Tuesday

This has been a very blue Tuesday as I knew it would be. Sr. Andrea got angry because Mercy and I skipped Typing class. This afternoon we went to the ANC - and Mitch, George, Honey, Mari, Caloy, Luli, Jan, Arlette, Monica, Mercy and I got together in the Teen Den. George is such a nut but a nice nut. Rafa came in for a few minutes but left later with Pichuco.

August 22 - Wednesday

Same old, same old. Mercy made me laugh so much over the phone. She truly cracks me up. I spoke to Pichuco too.

August 23 - Thursday

Everything went wrong today. I left Jan’s radio in the taxi and I forgot my pen in school. I’m so distressed over the radio. I can’t pay for it so I don’t know what I’m going to do! (Another very distinct memory has come flashing back.. I clearly remember forgetting the radio in the taxi and how mortified I was at the time.) Then Mom isn’t too happy about having a gathering here at home on Saturday. We’d like to have one for Lita’s birthday but we have no other place to have it at. Everything seems to be going wrong.

August 24 - Friday

My mother is really a nervous wreck so I had to fight to have the beatnik party here. My house isn’t exactly the Taj-Mahal but if someone doesn’t like it or its below their dignity to come, then they can stay home. I’m dreading tomorrow because she’s going to make me so nervous that the party will turn out a big flop. I got the lead in one of the three Paulinian Player Guild plays which Ana Marie Gonzalez is directing. It’s a cute part and I’ll enjoy playing a very devilish nun. Arno and Mitch were at the ANC when we got there. I was supposed to go to a movie with Luli, Rafa, Carlos O., Arno and Jan but of course, Mom didn’t let me.

August 25 - Saturday

I am so happy this minute that I’ll even ignore my mother’s getting annoyed with me for taking her pajamas without asking her. I went to the ANC this morning with Mercy. Everyone was there today. Arlette and Monica’s mother died today and so they couldn’t go to the party this evening. Mercy and I spent a busy afternoon fixing the house. Linda Hinkley came and everyone else came who I invited - which means Carlos came too - hence, that is why I am so happy. He was so sweet and wonderful in little ways, you know, like handing me my handkerchief when I left it on the chair and maybe its because I’m so crazy about him that ANYTHING he does I think is wonderful. But the best part of all is that for the first time ever - he danced with me!!!!! At first I didn’t even realize it was him asking me until I stood up and took his hand and looked at who had asked me to dance. (Of course, I’ve never forgotten this evening. It’s so clear, it could’ve happened yesterday and I could write down every second of this dance without looking at my diary. I remember what I wore and now know that I was still living on San Marcelino Street because I even remember how Mercy and I fixed up my living room with pillows on the floor and scarves over the lamps to make it more what we imagined to be “beatnik-like.”) He danced so smoothly and I was so scared that I would tremble or something or that he could hear my heart beating but I think my heart literally stopped. I couldn’t even feel myself breathe. I was so terrified I would do something like trip and fall. I looked at Mercy once while dancing and she was grinning at me from ear to ear. We danced to “A Summer Place” (And for the rest of my life, that song was The Song I Danced A Slow Drag To With Carlos Garcia. I know that night I was as near to heaven as a girl could be and all it took was a dance with Carlos.) and even if Carlos never dances with me again I’ll always re-live those wonderful minutes, that night, that song and my friends who all were happy for me because I was happy. I danced with every person I like tonight - I danced with Honey (Oh my gosh, I had forgotten that too. I actually danced with Honey! That should’ve been even a bigger deal than dancing with Carlos.) And I danced with George Gallent (also a first time) but was interrupted by Mari Valles. I danced with Mitch, Arno, and Tony. And all slows! (In retrospect, since I remember what I wore, that all these guys who were the “hunks” then had asked me to dance that night must have been because in today’s parlance, I must’ve looked “hot.” Maybe it was my “beatnik” attire of black tights, a dark green sweater (my dad’s) tied loosely with a chain belt, a bit more eye make-up, and my hair pulled back with a long false pony tail. Or maybe it was just the night for my wishes to be granted but it was a great evening.) It was a grand, wonderful evening. I can’t wait to talk to my better half Mercy tomorrow, to relive this evening all over again.

August 26 - Sunday

I dreamt of Glen Ford last night?! I went to Mass at 11 with Mercy then Tito Ramon, Tita Lol, Tito Eugenio, Mom, Mercy and I went to the Funeraria National for the service for Mrs. Teucher. Later we went to the ANC and had lunch there. Luli, Mercy and I went to see “Jack the Giant Killer” at the Rizal. Rafa, Nacho and Ramon sat with us. Funny, I could feel Carlos somewhere in the movie theater but didn’t see him but I did see him outside in his car. We went to the ANC and there Arno was there. Luz and Jan went to the movies with George, Butch and Honey. Arno, Mercy and I went to Arlette and Monica’s house to visit them. Monica likes Eddie. We went to the Malate Church for a while and Pocholo and Carmen brought us home. Every time I think of Carlos last night I can’t believe it happened. It seems like it was just one of my fantastic day dreams. It’ll probably be one of those first and last time things but worth all the stardust in the heavens. Mercy is also on a pink cloud over Tony Ortigas.

August 27 - Monday

It has been a hot, hot day and how I long for the coolness of Baguio and its pine-scented air. Mercy knows about her “surprise” party. And I hope my play - “God’s Little Sunbeam” is on the 9th and the 8th of September. I have to be one of the hostess for the party and Mercy wants me to be with her. I hope Ana Marie changes her mind. Mercy is like a sister to me. We tell each other everything and have shared a lot. We really do breath the same air though she can make me so mad at times, I love her to pieces - more than any other of my girl friends. Morris called this evening and I’m afraid bored him with my conversation. My mother and I can’t seem to discuss anything any more.(And, herein follows yet another my-mother-doesn’t-get-me entry which I am not including.) Dad maybe does “get” me a little but he’s so busy with his television programs and the Asian Games these days that I hardly ever see him. He works so hard and then these darned companies don’t pay him on time. He comes home tired and too beat to do anything but sleep. Sometimes he doesn’t even get a decent meal because his work takes up too much of his time. As for me, I hate Accounting and Steno and Dramatics is a bust because Mr. Lane (he took over after Miss Martinez left) is bound to call on me and I haven’t prepared anything. I haven’t got the excuse slip for Mr. Cruz and Sister Andrea will have my scalp. The good side is that I found my pearl earrings that I had lost (Thank you St. Anthony) but can’t find my book of Etiquette and Accounting. In my head - nothing but bubbles. Hopeless! But of course, I have time to think about Carlos. (Was I really this much of twerp? And here I go on and on about Carlos and recall Cookie’s party last year, etc., etc. Boring, so I am omitting again.)

August 28 - Tuesday

I went to the ANC this afternoon. Mari, George and Mitch were there. I sat with them and had a pleasant time laughing and talking. Charlie was also there with Gordo. Later, Lita, Luli, Jan, Rafa and Pichuco arrived. Mari was quite civil this afternoon. I hardly exchanged three civil words with him. Jan is nuts over George. Mercy spent this time with Arlette and Monica. Tomorrow is Lita’s birthday. I seem to be arguing more and more with my mother these days. Nothing I do or say pleases her and she’s finding fault with everything I do. The only thing that keeps me going is the thought of Carlos. I tune out my mom and think of him and I then I couldn’t care less who is shouting at me.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

August 12 - 20, 1962

August 12 - Sunday

I have made two resolutions for my retreat - First, to be more obedient to my mother and to not insult anybody. I have to keep myself from gossiping (Maybe I should’ve resolved to stop breathing while I was at it!) I went to Communion today. Fr. Reuter said Mass. I have so many things to rearrange and change in my character, I don’t know where to start. Mercy called up tonight as well as Pichuco. It seems there’s going to be a gathering at Arlette and Monica’s house on Tuesday. I wonder how Rafa found the party at Jan’s house but I can’t think of a soul who’d tell me.

August 13 - Monday

We keep talking during the retreat but everything Father has been telling us is sinking in. I went to confession today. Since I’ve been home this afternoon, people have been calling up on the phone - Arlette, Agnes, Pichuco, Mercy and Marina - all conversation about the gathering tomorrow and whether its still on. Arlette called Carlos and he says he’s going. I’ll die!

August 14 - Tuesday

I ended the best Retreat of my life today. I feel wonderful and at peace. Fr. John’s words really got through my thick skull and better still, my fickle heart. I will promise to do better. The gathering at Arlette and Monica’s house was ok. Neither Tony nor Carlos went but it didn’t bother me too much.

August 15 - Wednesday

We went to Mass and Communion this morning and received the final Papal blessing from Father Reuter although we also got it from Father Pellicer yesterday. We came home and changed and then we went to the ANC. The first person I see when I got there is Charlie Armstrong. He gave me a wink and a smile and a hello and I was so glad I wore that white skirt and green blouse. This afternoon , Lit, Luli, Nacho, Kathy, Rafa and Carlos G.G. decided to go to the Rizal but found it closed. We walked all around SLV and I nearly died in the process. I was in high heels and my feet nearly killed me. Nacho and Kathy were kind enough to wait for me. Carlos and Rafa wanted to carry me but I would have been mortified had anyone seen us. We finally got back to the ANC. Mitch was playing tennis. Mercy got back with Arlette and Monica and Yan and it seems they ran into Morris. Later they made Mitch mad by taking his car keys. Lita brought us home.

August 16 - Thursday

I skipped Steno this morning. I went to the ANC this afternoon. I spent the afternoon talking with Mitch by the pool, mostly about Nadia. Arlette, Monica, Jan, Ramon were with us. Rafa thinks I am mad at him but I’m only pretending to be. Arlette told me Charlie was there this morning. I went to the movies with Arlette and Monica this evening. There are a lot of officers around the ANC these days since the ships are in again.

August 17 - Friday

This afternoon mercy and I went to the ANC. Arno was there and though we’ve been bickering at each other these past 2 weeks, today he was very nice and different.

August 18 - Saturday

We were at the ANC again after morning classes. Mitch, Nacho, Rafa, Pichuco, Carlos G.G., Lita, Luli etc were there. We ate lunch there and later Luli, Pichuco, Ramon and I went to the McKinley Cemetery. It is such a lovely, serene and peaceful place. Later we drove around SLV looking for Marina and Carlos, neither of whom were home. We drove to the airport, then to Nacho’s house. We sat in Nacho’s room and chatted. Tita Carmen talked to me about Nena and gave me some of Nena’s dresses which Nena hadn’t worn and were brand new. Then we went to the airport again and back to the ANC. Rafa drives very well with so much ease and confidence. Every time he’d look at me through the rearview mirror, my heart would skip a beat. This evening Rafa and Pichuco came home while I got dressed and we waited for Lita to pick me up so that they could follow us to Cookie Perez-Rubio’s party. The party was much nicer than the one last year. Arno was as sweet as he’s ever been to me. No sarcastic looks. He danced with me a lot. Tony danced the second dance with me. And Carlos Garcia still makes my pulse beat faster than anyone else alive! I bumped into him a couple of times while dancing boogie. That guy thrills me so but it is all too no avail. Carlos Ortoll bugs me so much! Rafa took Mercy and me home. I think Juaco Campbell one of the nicest people around. I got a letter from Cosme today. I was so happy to receive it. It’s one of his sweetest letters so far.

August 19 - Sunday

I went to Mass at 11 with Mom then of course, where else - Later I went to the Rizal to see “Adventures of a Young Man” with Richard Beymer. Carlos was sitting behind us and as usual, I lost sight of everyone else. Tony was there too. We went back to the ANC and Mitch and Morris were there. I didn’t get a chance to talk to Morris since Mitch and company were with him. Later mercy, Arlette, Monica, Jan and I went to the Jai-Alai to watch Honey play pelota. I think Jai-Alai one of the most exciting games to watch and of course Honey looked so great on that court. Simply irresistible. There are many attractive pelotaris but Honey beats them all!

August 20 - Monday

After school this afternoon Mercy and I went to the ANC and Arno, Arlette, Monica, Mitch and Rafa were there. I had a nice lunch at Mercy’s house. George Gallent came over to pick Honey up. He smiled and said hello. Can’t blame Jan for being so nuts about him. I HATE Steno and Accounting. We have those detestable subjects tomorrow. I hate Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tito Werney was a little nasty this evening and I almost answered him back for making an unkind remark (about whom??) I am so restless these days. Everyone seems to get on my nerves - I’m dying to go on a long trip - maybe to Spain. Oh dreams, dreams.......

Monday, November 30, 2009

July 30 - August 11, 1962

July 30 - Monday

Margotin scared me out of my wits this morning when she told me that Sr. Andrea was out for my scalp for having so many absences. It just so happened that I missed my Theology class and Mercy just happened to skip it too. Tomorrow I’ll get my excuse slip and my knees are already weak at the thought of facing Sister Andrea. There’s been some magulu at school about girls cheating, stealing and making fun of other girls. We went to Sister Benjamin this afternoon and told her about it. Miss Zacarias asked me if I was going to see Miss Martinez off on Wednesday. She’s leaving for the States. I’ve given her a lot of headaches but she has been a grand Dramatics teacher and director. Arlette called me this afternoon the minute I got home. She wanted me to go to the ANC. She says Rafa had been there. I tried to sound like I didn’t care but as usual I’m not very good at hiding my feelings. I’m going to test my will power and not go to the ANC the whole week even if I know Rafa is going to be there. This evening I was listening to Rafa’s records and they are real dreamsville. One is the theme from “Parrish” and the other are 7 Italian songs which make one think of dancing by the moonlight. I haven’t touched my Accounting books so tomorrow will be a blue Tuesday.

July 31 - Tuesday

I feel very quiet and peaceful right now. I’ve just seen the movie “Lovers Must Learn” with Susanne Pleshette and Troy Donahue. Rome is the most enchanting, lovely, magnificent city in the world and someday, if at all possible, I am going to see it someday and if possible, before I’m 25. (And, I did, before my 21st birthday and four more times before I turned 25.) I will see Italy some day, I will!! This noon Mercy and I ate lunch at the Teucher’s. Arlette wanted to tell me who Rafa likes but I didn’t let her. I refuse to listen to any more gossip. Monica tried to bribe to go to the ANC but I didn’t go. I came home, did my Steno, and washed my hair. I listened to records and later went to the movies with Mom. And I did find out who Rafa likes - Monica. She’s walking in a daze these days. Fate it seems to have other plans for me, yet again.

August 1 - Wednesday

This week seems to be dragging by so slowly. It seems like 3 years till Sunday, not 3 days. Sister Benjamin gave the class a stern lecture this morning and everything she said was absolutely true. I cut my hair and the hairdresser cut it shorter than I wanted. I look like a 12 year old tomboy instead of 18 years old. I met Arlette and Monica at the Beauty Parlor and Monica cut her hair too. I don’t like the patronizing way Arlette and Monica look at me. I think its all about this Rafa thing. Mercy says that Arlette and Monica said I was jealous of them. Oh, for Pete’s sake! What hurt me was that Mercy agreed with Arlette and Monica. Mercy wasn’t feeling well and spend the whole afternoon asleep in the school clinic. I saw Entang del Prado, Ramon Arnaiz, Quito Moras and Litos Reynoso this afternoon at school. They were looking for Magu. Saw Maritoni this afternoon.

August 2 - Thursday

I spoke to Luli last night and she revived my spirits when she said that Rafa asked for me. This afternoon I did to go to the ANC (So much for my resolution!!). Rafa was there! I met 2 cousins of his who just arrived and found out that Rafa and Jay Jay Po are first cousins. I got my ID bracelet today. Mr. Cruz seems to dislike our class but when we finished classes I was practically the only one who said thank you and goodby to him (almost under my breath) and he said “You’re welcome” with a smile and a twinkle in his eye. (I was such a sucker for guys with “a twinkle in their eyes.” So corny!) Rafa does seem to be interested in Monica. Pichuco is still hopelessly smitten with Lita so we share our mutual woes.

August 3 - Friday

Mommy hasn’t been feeling well today. We (Mom and I) ate lunch at home together. This afternoon, after school, Mercy and I went to the ANC. Arlette, Monica, Nacho and Kate were there. Lita came later. I don’t know what was wrong with me but I got a sudden attack of the giggles. Arno arrived but was in an awfully bad mood and it became worse when Rafa, Javier and Carlos arrived. We listened to records in the Teen Den. I caught Arno looking at me several times. Rafa sat beside me and talked the whole afternoon. I think he got a letter from his girlfriend or something. He keeps telling me that I’m acting strange these days and that I have to have a talk with him. I could feel myself getting warm under the collar. Pichuco and Luli talked to me tonight over the phone.

August 4 - Saturday

I didn’t do so bad in my Steno and Accounting tests. I went to the ANC this morning at 11 with Mercy. The Gang was there. I went with Mom to the beauty parlor at 3 later we went to the ANC. Mom went to Tita Lol’s house and I stayed there. I didn’t really want to go to Marilen’s party but ended up going anyway. I went with Lita, Luli, Rafa, Pichuco, and Javier. The party was not very much fun. Even if my first and last dances were with Rafa and other times too but I just didn’t have a good time. I don’t like Carlos Ortoll too much. He’s to insistent and really a drag. Maricar Beliso gave me a dazzling smile and Luis Pertierra thinks I’m nuts about him. (Why not??!! I seemed to be nuts about every attractive guy around, then.)

August 5 - Sunday

Mommy wasn’t feeling too well so I went to Mass with Mercy at 9 at San Marcelino. I went to Communion and later we went to help Las Damas at their rummage sale. I went home for lunch and baked a cake this afternoon. At 5:30 I went to Arlette and Monica’s house for the gathering. It was sensational! I mean everyone was in such a happy mood. I danced a lot and Mercy and I simply glowed. Ditoy Atayde is so much nicer than I imagined. George gets handsomer every day and Tony was and is, as always, one of the nicest guys there. Rafa has me very confused and I wished Cosme had been there. It was a sensational day. Everyone’s a dear!

August 6 - Monday

Mercy and I talked of nothing else this morning but the party last night - mainly about Tony Ortigas. Mercy can’t stand Rafa and I don’t see why but I guess everyone has his own tastes. I had lunch in Mercy’s house. Honey is the sweetest I think. We saw Rafa on the way back to school this noon, at his house, buying ice cream for his kid sister from the vendor on the street. We went to the ANC after school and Arlette and Monica were just leaving. Rafa, Marina and the Ortoll brothers were there this evening. I went to see “A Pocket Full of Miracles” with Mom, Tita Marianne and Tito Werney. I got to thinking about Carlos Garcia a lot this evening.

August 7 - Tuesday

This afternoon, Mercy and I went to the ANC. Rafa, Arlette and Monica, Lita, Luli were there. Pichuco arrived a little later. Later, Rafa, Pichuco, Luli and I went to the swimming pool. We had a lovely time talking, laughing and teasing each other. Magu was also there with some other people. Carlos and Javier Ortoll joined us. After Rafa and Pichuco had their fill of swimming, we went back to the Sunset Lounge.

August 8 - Wednesday

Regular day in school. I ate lunch in Mercy’s house and our favorite topic of conversation - Tony Ortigas. I miss Cosme a lot and heaven knows why (Yeah, why??? I’m still wondering 40 eons later!)

August 9 - Thursday

Today was really “sweet Thursday.” Mercy ate lunch with me and later we went to the ANC. Everyone was there. Later, Mitch, Mercy, Lita and Monica went to eat bibinka somewhere and Luli, Rafa and I were left behind. We had a nice, pleasant conversation. Later we moved out to sit by the swimming pool. At about 6:30 pm, I was frantically looking for a ticket to go to see “El Cid.” Everyone was going - the whole Spanish community and specially since Rafa was going and I had a terrific hunch that Carlos would be there too. Well I finally went to A&M’s house. At 7:30 Gerardo called me up telling me he had a ticket. After a couple of breathless phone calls, Gerardo tells me, he’s got a free ticket for me - to hurry home and get dressed and the Lanuza car would pick me up to take me to the Rizal. I never got dressed so fast. I wore my white chiffon dress and just made it on time. I went with Juan, Dita and the other Lanuza sister and my hunch proved to be true. During intermission I met Pichuco and we went to the lobby and I see Nacho talking to the Ortoll brothers, Rafa and Carlos. Luis Pertierra etc. were also there. (Now here’s another event I remember distinctly. The premier of “El Cid” at the Rizal! I remember the dress, and I remember clearly stepping out into the lobby and seeing all the guys I adored all together in one big bundle. An embarrassment of riches for little old me!) Rafa and the Ortoll brothers came to say hello and later we sort of drifted over to Nacho, Leo and Carlos. I was pretty nervous and my pulses were racing, but not as fast as when Rafa talked to me and said, when Nacho said something a little nasty - “No te metas con Lea que esta muy mona esta noche.” (And silly me, still didn’t get the fact that they all still treated me like the cute little sister and we were all the same age!) I also saw Titos Ayesa and thought of Mercy. Rafa asked me if I was going to the ANC tomorrow and I told him I wasn’t sure. Mercy can’t stand him and many of the guys dislike him (Now I realize he had that haughty Spanish macho thing going and that’s why the guys didn’t like him, but who knew of these things then!) But I like him - I guess I like the guys that have a bit of “sinverguenza” in them.

August 10 - Friday

I was beaming all day today. I went to the ANC this afternoon and all the usual people were there except Rafa. He had a dinner party or something tonight, so Luli says. Mommy gave me a bag this evening. So pretty! What a sticky, humid, hot day!

August 11 - Saturday

Mr. Cruz was in a very black mood this morning but thank goodness he didn’t give us a test or I would’ve gotten absolutely zero. Mercy and I went to the ANC at 11. Everyone was there. Rafa at first ignored me but when I changed into my jeans, he came to talk and tried to convince me to go to the party at Jan’s house tonight. He, Ramon Arnaiz, etc. sure gave Mercy and I the big pitch including Freddy Franco over the phone. Believe me, I never wanted to go to a party so much since Rafa is going and Tony. Father John Pelliser is our retreat master and he’s very good. Tita Carmen Marti talked to me this morning about Nena and such. I really love that lady. I miss Nena too. She says Nena doesn’t want to come back here. Wait till I hightail myself over to Spain. So help me - before I’m 20, I’ll get there. (Ah, the Fickle Finger of Fate was waving in my face. I “got” to Spain before my 21st birthday and then just after my 24th, I “hightailed it” to Spain from New York and spent the next 8 plus years of my life there. But, that August, all I could do was dream...)