Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy Three Kings!

HAPPY THREE KINGS or Feliz Dia de los Reyes - everyone!

Still getting connected with old friends like Danny Hernandez, Laura Peragallo, Elisa Llamoglia, Ernie Racz (son), Sue Karavolas, Miren Berenguer, etc.

And best of all, my wonderful cousin Carlos in Madrid came through and I did get my old love's just published book from Spain como regalo para los Reyes.  I've already started to read it and I see that my Spanish needs updating because there are words therein I never heard before, or to put it another way, I should be reading more Spanish and keep my Spanish/English dictionary handy.  It's a good way to brush up on my Spanish but to think that for nine years I only read, thought and wrote in Spanish!  Talk about verguenza! 

I know I am weather obsessive but consider the title of this blog and you'll get why I am miserable when I hear the weather is getting even colder and that it might snow tomorrow.  Aaaarrrgghhhh.

So were the Three Kings, Santa, the Blue Smurfs (or whatever you believe in) good to you this holiday season?  I'm not the book, good wine, cava, prosecco, a cashmere sweater, a year's subscription to Netflix among other things.  More importantly, I spent time with my daughter and granddaughter and I've "discovered" my old gang in Manila all over again.  So life is good.

More tomorrow....

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Connections with old friends!!!!

Well, today was an embarrassment of riches on finding old friends through Facebook and my blog - who knew?!!  Nadia Rindler and I reconnected after more than 45 years of separation.  Which in turn I found my best friend Mercy's youngest son Johann who lives in Australia and then a woman who read my blog and knew many of the main characters from My Diaries who went to the American School the same time that Kathy Bruns and Carlos Garcia and Ginny were there! Her name is Christine Korfhage (don't know if Korfhage is her maiden name) but she has written a book of poems which a lot has to do with our young days in Manila - I found it on Amazon like she suggested and its titled "We Are Who We Are and this world isn't either." I have ordered it and can't wait to see what's its about.  Incidentally, I've never met her but aint the Manila connection wonderful?!!!

I also "found" Danny Hernandez" on Facebook, brother of Marimil and Freddy and though I've contacted him he hasn't confirmed the connection.  Can't win them all I guess.  So, through Lyn Muniosguren I found Nadia and through Nadia I found Johann Gallent....and it goes on.  Also some of the pictures I've posted have brought back good memories to the parties therein so it makes me happy that I've connected to yet more of the great Gang of Manila in the 60s! I have promised to post more pictures of my last stay in Manila but for some reason, this particular Facebook endeavor I haven't mastered yet.  Sometimes I get it and I have a lot of pictures therein and sometimes, it slips by me. 

Margotin (Magu) Ubago Ripoll keeps in touch through the blog too and keeps me grounded to that other great part of my life there - my high school days at St. Paul's.  Also just received Monnette Martinez's SPU newsletter, which honestly, I haven't read yet.  I have to wait to get home to indulge in personal web and email monitoring so I am doing this at 9 pm at night. 

So, I received an email from my cousin in Madrid that the book written by a special man in my life is arriving by Fedex tomorrow - just in time for my Three Kings present.  Can't wait!
Is it just me that can't get over how Tiger Woods mucked up his life?!!  I've always thought that most men are fickle and so far, I haven't been proven wrong but the man had everything going for him and he blows it all on a bit of .....well, you know what I want going to say. The last person I thought that would be caught like this.  Ok, I've gotten that off my chest.

In four days (New York time), Patricia Muniosguren and Anton Yulo will celebrate their wedding in Manila.  How I wish I could be there but then I've haven't attended not one wedding of any of my friends or friends' children.  I little cross to bear and one that saddens me but thank goodness for Facebook, email and the internet.  Pictures will be forthcoming and shared.  Yay!

Alright folks, enough for today.  Keep in touch.  It's not a bad world afer all.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Good advise from my parish priest and a warning......

Hi all,

Well, first day back to work after 13 days off for the Christmas and New Year's holidays.  Of course, its bitterly cold and just heard on the evening news that it will get colder toward the coming weekend and that this may turn out to be the coldest winter in 25 years.  Oh joy.  Oh where are my palm trees!!

Anyway, yesterday the flyer we pick up after Mass had the following list "for a better life" in 2010.  I thought I'd share with you.

- NO ONE is in charge of your happiness except you!
- Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In 5 years, will this matter?"
- What other people think of you is none of your business. (I really like this one.)
- However good or bad a situation is, it will change. (in other words, there is no status quo)
- Envy is a waste of time and energy.
- Each night before you to to bed complete the following statements: I am thankful for _______. Today I accomplished ____________.
- No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up!
- Forgive everyone for everything.
- Make peace with your past so it won't spoil your future.
- Don't take yourself so seriously.  No one else does.
- Life is too short to waste on hating anyone.
- Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
- Clear clutter from your house, your car, your desk and let new and flowing energy into your life.
- Call your family often or email them to death.  (I think we ALL do this anyway.)
- Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
- Enjoy the ride. Remember this is not Disney World and you certainly don't want a fast pass. You only have one ride through life so make the most of it and enjoy the ride!

I just found out that a whole lot of "freebies" that I got from points from a credit card weren't free at all.  I looked at my statement and found more than $100 shipping charge - which $$ amount is much more than the stuff I chose from the freebies offered is worth!!!  Goes to show, there really are NO free lunches.  Anyway, I called the number on the statement and they said if I returned it all, they would credit my account.  I usually am pretty smart about stuff like this but I didn't see anything about shipping charges - trouble is I threw away the original offer after I got the stuff in the mail.  I am sharing this with you so you don't fall for the same "come-on." By the way, it was not Chase but American Express.  I got the offer through my boss's corporate American Express card.  I AM RETURNING EVERYTHING TOMORROW.  It was silly junky stuff anyway.  Que sinverguenzas!!!! Y, que tonta yo.

Keep warm those of you in the US because it seems it is even cold in Florida! 

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year 2010 thoughts

Now that we have just entered the New Year I want to share reflections of mine of the past and present.

First of all, to all of you who followed the blog of My Diaries (some of you who had read them before re-visiting them again) and enjoyed the journey to my (and our) lives in the early 60s, my heart-felt joy, really, that you took the journey with me.  Some may view my sentimental visit to the past as a bore or even a negative thing but on a personal level, I see nothing wrong with remembering a good time of our young lives.  I've had great times years later and someday I will write about them but some of the persons involved in my grown up life may not appreciate my sharing a portion of their lives with all and sundry.  But, we shall see.  If Truman Capote and Dominic Dunne did it, why can't I?  All you have to do is change names.  Hah! There's an idea....I will work on it.

This has been a great holiday because aside from hearing from all my dearest friends and family - I got surprises like a phone call from Spain from my only female cousin and another call from Arlette Teucher Jan who is visiting the Philippines.  My little family and I had spent a lovely 2 weeks with her at her lovely home on the Costa Brava (appropriately named "Mabuhay") and she had invited me to come along with her to Manila but right now the job situation is tenuous and after 26 years at Polytechnic, I cannot be away from my job for any bit of time.  But it was nice getting a call from her.

Another wonderful event going on in Manila soon that I am really sorry to miss is the wedding of Patricia Muniosguren to Anton Yulo.  But I know that Pat or her mom, Lyn, will provide pictures so that us ex-pats who are stuck here in the COLD U.S. (at least New York is), can share this happy day which will take place on January 10. 

And I don't have to mention names here but an old boyfriend just had a book published in Spain and a cousin of mine will be sending it to me soon.  I am curious to read the book as the reviews so far in Spain have been favourable.  It is a novel - fiction based on fact and since I was privy to his life for almost 8 years, I know that the fact part of the book is real.  We shall see, and yes, I can be objective.

I got Christmas cards and e-mail cards from everyone near and dear to me and some surprises like a card from the wife of my only cousin on the Bowie side who died about 10 years ago.  But since she is the only living relative on my dad's side of the family, it was especially nice to get a card from her telling me of her children and grandchildren.

The best gift I had this Christmas is getting time to spend with my dear granddaughter, Laura.  She and I always have a good time together - we "click" much like my mother used to get along better with my daughter Frances than me.  I guess it is always like that with grandmothers and their grandchildren.  Laura unfortunately had a bit of a stomach bug while with me so for two days she was upchucking and dryheaving but being the little trooper that she is, she never complained and was still the sunny little girl she normally is. Though she will be 11 in March and little girl I will not be able to call her for very much longer.

So, everyone, I hope you all had a great holiday.  Right now, we are experiencing one of the coldest days so far here in New York so all of you who are NOT here, count your blessings. 

I will keep writing just to keep this blog "alive" and have enjoyed all your comments, so keep writing, if you like.

PS: I have a Kindle so I read voraciously and have Netflix so watch a lot of movies and rarely go to the movie theaters but treated myself to two of the popular movies out.  Verdict:
- "It's Complicated" with Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin - enjoyed it, but its a bit of a fairy tale
- "Up In the Air" with George Clooney (who is yummy no matter what he does) - good movie but NOT a "feel good" movie.  It's actually a bit depressing but I am a Clooney fan so he can do no wrong.
Movies I want to see - "An Education," "The Last Station," "New Moon," "Nine," and some others which I might wait till they are available on DVD (otherwise known as Netflix for me)

HAPPY NEW YEAR, again, and stay safe and sound.